My journey


In eastern philosophy, man is thought to be the pivot point between heaven and earth. We are animal bodies inhabited by spirit. As an acupuncturist and herbalist for over 20 years, I have spent my life in the realm of earth and the body. Some years ago, I encountered challenges in life that weren’t readily solved by the tools that I had at hand. Seeking something to provide some context for my experience, I turned towards astrology. It helped me understand what I was facing and the opportunities for growth that lied therein. Now I turn my gaze upwards and look toward the cosmos. I’m filled with such a sense of comfort in knowing that we are embedded in a highly organized, coherent, interdependent and intelligent universe. I help others to experience that same sense of wonder and awe.

My approach


Simply put, astrology is the study of cycles and seasons and the movements and relative positions of the celestial bodies. In my approach to astrology, these celestial bodies are not causative - planets don’t MAKE us do anything. They are symbolic guideposts in the natural world. Astrology is based on the hermetic principle “as above, so below.” Whatever cosmic weather we find ourselves in, we always have free will but understanding the weather can help us navigate the terrain of our lives. It can give us a sense of timing, help prepare us for what lies ahead and allow us to grow and make meaning from our life experiences. As we explore our own lives in an effort to live them consciously, transformation awaits us.

How I work with you


When we meet to go over your birth chart, my goal is to give you some context for the season of life you are presently in as well as what you’ve been through and where you’re going. We will look at your “cosmic weather” and discuss how you are best able to interact with the energies present in your life. I will give you general timing guidelines so that you know what is being activated or triggered in your chart and how to make the most of it. Additionally, and when time permits, there is a lot to be gained by looking (with consent) at the charts of your loved ones. By doing this, you can deepen and explain your most intimate relationships and better understand the people you care about.